I came across this website sometime ago and liked the balanced approach it presented toward the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. The following words were extracted from one of the comments posted in response to a video shown on the same web page.
I am a Jew (by my mother) and a Tunisian (by my father), French citizen, without any religious belief.
People of my family died during World War 2, and I had no circumcision since many boys in France died because of it (German soldiers identified Jewish boys that way).
When I see what Israel soldiers do, I feel shame. Personally, I never could press the trigger if I knew that my missile will target a crowded area, and when I see the face of these Palestinian kids, I cannot help viewing this old picture of that terrorized Jewish kid in the ghetto of Warsaw, raising his arms with German soldiers laughing in his back.
I do not support Hamas neither, but I feel that Palestinian have no other choice than that.
Once more, Israelis should remember the insurrection of the Warsaw ghetto. In the end, people put gasoline on them and ran towards tanks. They knew that they would be killed anyway, so better die while trying to kill enemies. Don't you feel that, from a Palestinian viewpoint, the Hamas is pretty similar?/em>em>
As human beings we should stand up against such atrocities and create a balance between identifying a freedom fighter from a terrorist. The key to this is empathy or putting yourself in the shoes of the oppressed. Our safe houses and relatively calm dwellings do not trigger this feeling of empathy and we sit on watching intoxicated by our whims and pleasures.
Sadly Sri Lanka too is undergoing a similar fate where innocent civilians are being slaughtered for the actions of another and the blind masses keep fuelling the war machine to do its destructive deed. We cannot be mere onlookers, but should work towards bringing a voice to the voiceless in every area of conflict!
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Thanks for posting that.
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