I was browsing the internet till I came across a video which changed my whole mood. The thirst to catch the previous day’s six nations rugby highlights on youtube was bitterly quenched by a video which happened to be posted on my video feeds.
I fail to comprehend the silence in which the world seems to watch the atrocities carried out by a supposed Democracy on a helpless nation. What is it so dreadful that the Palestinians have done to the Zionists such that they deserve to be entirely cleansed from the Ancient Lands? A suicide bomb here and a car bomb there is no match for the targeted rockets that the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) so frequently dumps on Gaza and the West Bank. Some even say that Palestinian kids could one day grow up to set a meet record in the Olympics for the “Put-Shot” event with all the stone throwing practice that they seem to get for free. Understanding the essence of this conflict makes us differentiate between a democracy and an anarchist rule.
We may live in a country whose government neither supports nor speaks up against these misdoings, but we can! Click on the link below to take you to an independent poll carried out by a website dedicated to such polls. You decide where you fit in and your decision will be a reflection of your human conscience
CrowNickels of Rice & Curryma – SpiceLand
11 years ago