He looks up the aisle,
Pauses for a while
and sees the security guards make their way
They stop him right there
And to him with a glare
They say “where are you flying off today?”
His eyes shrink in
His mind thinking
How shall I respond to this?
His passport he shows
and hopes they will go
and leave him to mind his own biz
"You’re Asian" they say
Your passports all grey
How can we know this is you??
“You know you look weird
Coz now you've a beard
We know what sort of trouble you can stew”
oh brother me thinks,
their logic is extinct
How can some hair make them cry?
Their face maybe bare
and mine’s full of hair
Is this why I should comply?
So take heed my friends,
If you do want to blend,
Keep your hair free from your face
For those people who play
This tune everyday
I say “to my face it brings grace!”
If a beard still you wear
and you see people stare
Hold proudly to the Keratin that shines
(And say) go make this demand
to the heavy metal bands
Whose bear do’s are weirder than mine!!
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